Bas is our tall pillar of wisdom. He is a pioneer in the more visual approaches to Design Research, having published his PhD on Design Documentaries. As STBY’s Creative Director, Bas always seeks to create compelling, highly visual narratives to support empathic understandings and conversations. He thrives in networks, and finds energy in making and fostering connections with people across the globe. As such, Bas is a lead player in the Reach Network and enjoys bringing researchers from around the world together to teach, learn and laugh.
Bas continues to push the boundaries of the field by developing more-than-human design and research. He cares deeply for the planet and its natural ecosystems, and feels that Design Researchers can play an impactful role in creating systemic change toward more sustainable ways of living.
When he is not day-dreaming at the studio, you can find him at an obscure film festival or doing Tai Chi. If he was not a Design Researcher, he would be an Architect or a Mage.
Contact details for Bas
Email: bas @
Mobile UK: +44 77 87 33 41 23
Mobile NL: +31 6 55 15 77 94