In close collaboration with the Design Council we worked on a service design /…
deep dive ethnography
57 articles
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Financial services for young students
For the IB-Groep (the national Dutch body that handles all studentships, student /…
Elsevier Open Innovation
For the international academic publisher Elsevier we conducted a lead user /…
CBBC cross-media consumption
Together with London-based innovation consultancy Radarstation, we worked on an /…
IB-Groep: Multi-channel services
The Dutch national body for studentships and other financial services for /…
Travel stories
STBY has recently completed a long-term research on the use of travel related /…
Smart textiles
For the conference How Smart Are We?, organised by Design Plus in London, STBY /…
Design documentaries with heart patients
For Philips Medical Systems in Seatle, STBY produced three design documentaries /…
Storage and clutter
Two design documentaries on how people store and display things around the house. /…
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