Together with our client Tour de Force, we developed a step-by-step guide for /…
physical spaces
Evolving technology to fit public life
With bicycle parking facilities in the Netherlands expanding to hold thousands of /…
Support for behaviour change interventions
Although many people in the Netherlands use a bike to get to work, do groceries /…
Addressing dilemmas around new smart tech
We regularly work on projects that explore new potential applications of smart /…
Participatory redesign of public realm
The local council of Amsterdam Southeast set us the challenge of making an /…
Bike parking consultation in London
We recently finished some research for the Golden Lane Estate Residents /…
Co-creating neighbourhood participation
How to step up from the occasional neighborhood consultation to more ongoing /…
Supporting the energy transition
As part of a large scale national program to transition the use of energy in the /…
Blending quantitative and qualitative research
STBY recently delivered two projects that involved a blended quantitative and /…
Farmers’ perspectives on water and soil management
STBY was asked to carry out an exploratory research to better understand the /…
Guiding a Strategic Innovation Journey
A large multinational supplier for the automotive industry wanted to develop its /…
Discovering new opportunities for financial services
STBY was asked by a Dutch financial institution to carry out design research to /…