Over the past decade, as more digital tools have become available for remote /…
digital services
Addressing dilemmas around new smart tech
We regularly work on projects that explore new potential applications of smart /…
Are You Listening?
Sometimes we are asked to work on relatively short sprint design research /…
Foundational Research for Multinational B2B Services
A multinational media conglomerate approached us to deliver two foundational /…
Towards Better Digital Inclusion
STBY contributed as a research partner to a nation wide project looking at new /…
Understanding digital skills
Approximately 2,5 million people in the Netherlands still experience difficulties /…
Learning by doing
The best way to learn a new skill or a new way of working is to actually do it. /…
Global online learning
The Reach Network of professionals in design and innovation has brought its /…
Exploring listening experiences
Stations, the new app introduced by Spotify in the US, offers a radio-like /…
Blending quantitative and qualitative research
STBY recently delivered two projects that involved a blended quantitative and /…
Making past research more accessible to teams
One of our clients realised they had a problem. They didn’t know enough about /…
Understanding Music Streaming for Kids
Spotify Kids is a new standalone app by Spotify, designed for families to enjoy a /…