by Geke van Dijk. PhD thesis, completed in 2007, Computing Department, Open /…
..journal papers, bookchapters, conference presentations, press releases…
Rich Viz – Design Documentaries
by Bas Raijmakers. Paper on design documentaries, published in ‘Rich Viz! /…
Pick n Mix: Consumers combining electronic and conventional service channels
by Geke van Dijk, Shailey Minocha and Angus Laing. Published in a special issue /…
Design Documentaries: Inspiring Design Research Through Documentary Film
by Bas Raijmakers, William W. Gaver and Jon Bishay. Presented at DIS2006 /…
Multichannel Consumer Behavior: Online and Offline Travel Preparations
by Geke van Dijk, Shailey Minocha and Angus Laing. Presented at CHI2006 /…
Channels, consumers and communication: Online and offline communication in service consumption
by Geke van Dijk, Angus Laing and Shailey Minocha. Presented at the Academy of /…
Investigating users out of the box: exploring multi-channel consumer behaviour
by Geke van Dijk.¬†Presented at SIGCHI2006 conference in Amsterdam, The /…
A Decade of Web Use
by Geke van Dijk.¬†Presented at the conference A decade of web design in /…
Applying User Context Analysis in evaluations of e-commerce environments.
by Geke van Dijk.¬†Position paper for the workshop Total Customer Experience /…
User research als inspiratiebron voor webontwerpers
(Usability research as source of inspiration for web designers)¬†by Bas /…
Usability testing is a means, not a goal
by Bas Raijmakers.¬†Published in Usability – Nutzerfreundliches /…
Shopping pleasure at
by Bas Raijmakers.¬†Published in Usability – Nutzerfreundliches /…