STBY is proud contributor to the book ‘Service Design: Insights from nine /…
..journal papers, bookchapters, conference presentations, press releases…
Design Transitions
A new book that features our work was recently launched: ‘Design /…
This is Service Design Thinking
STBY was asked to edit the tools section of this first comprehensive book on the /…
Innovation Models
In January a new book on Models for Service Innovation was published in The /…
Routledge Companion to Design Research
STBY was invited to contribute a chapter to the book 'Routledge Companion to /…
Bas Raijmakers co-authored an article about ‘Orchestration’ in the /…
Embracing Complexity
Marie de Vos co-authored an article about ‘Embracing Complexity’ in /…
Designing Relationships
‘Designing Relationships’ in the latest issue of CRISP was /…
Paper: Transformative Learning as Impact in Social Innovation
Measurable impact is an often expected and required outcome of innovation /…
Paper: Learning and practicing in service design
At the ServDes2018 in Milan, the global academic Service Design conference, Bas /…
Paper: Imagining speculative care and support futures
MyFutures was a 2-year academic-public-private project (2016-2018) to create /…
STBY case study on
A STBY case study is published on the website of ExperienceFellow. STBY used the /…