With 11 Sao Paulo-based and 9 London-based designers we were involved in a Design /…
.. working on the cross roads of industry and academia, with an extensive background in both…
(Un)common Ground
(Un)common Ground is an international research network exploring the practice of /…
Design Documentaries
Design documentaries are a new, visual way of bringing everyday life into design /…
Travel stories
STBY has recently completed a long-term research on the use of travel related /…
Smart textiles
For the conference How Smart Are We?, organised by Design Plus in London, STBY /…
Ethnography in industry
In collaboration with the People and Practices Group from Intel, STBY organised /…
Design documentaries with heart patients
For Philips Medical Systems in Seatle, STBY produced three design documentaries /…
Mediamediators vlog
A video weblog (vlog) of the creation, adoption and appropriation of interactive /…
Storage and clutter
Two design documentaries on how people store and display things around the house. /…
STBY participated in two pilots of the multi-player electronic tagging game /…
NWO is the Dutch national council for scientific research. NWO-MES is the /…
STBY was the coordinator of a creative workshop for the European funded /…