Innovation Reading Circle 02

The second meeting of the Innovation Reading Circle was again very interesting. This time the theme was User-Led Innovation.¬†The books we read and discussed were: ‘Democratising Innovation‘ by Eric Von Hippel, ‘We-think: The power of mass creativity‘ by Charles Leadbeater and ‘The Ten Faces of Innovation‘ by Tom Kelley and Jonathan Littman.¬†The keywords that bridge… Continue reading Innovation Reading Circle 02

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User-driven innovation

Just finished a chapter for a book on knowledge sharing in the creative industry. The book ‘Uncommon Ground: Creative Encounters between Sectors and Disciplines’ will be published by Bis Publishers in April 2007 as a spin off of the Uncommon Ground workshop in September in Amsterdam. My chapter addresses the complexity, and fun, of inter-disciplinary… Continue reading User-driven innovation

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Independents Christmas Lunch

For the second year Gill Wildman and Nick Durrant from Plot organised a Christmas lunch for independents working in the creative industry. And again it was a lovely event. It is a joy to spend an afternoon with peers and share some ideas and dreams. The idea came up to organise an independents picnic in… Continue reading Independents Christmas Lunch

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Convivio workshop

On 4-5 December the Technical University Eindhoven hosted a workshop organised by the European Convivio Network to discuss the big issues for interaction design during the coming 5 years, as well as the consequences of these issues for the various domains. The results of the workshop are meant to inform the future policy of the… Continue reading Convivio workshop

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Innovation Reading Circle 01

Initiated by¬†Nico Macdonald, the¬†Innovation Reading Circle¬†convenes on a bi-monthly basis to discuss recent books on innovation.¬†For the first session we read Shaping Things by Bruce Sterling and In the Bubble by John Thackara. The first being a vision-driven manifesto for the internet of things. The second a rich collection of pointers to interesting people, projects… Continue reading Innovation Reading Circle 01

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Thrill Laboratory

Just spent a thrilling evening at the Dana Centre in London. The theme was Fairground – Thrill Laboratory. A full evening programme about the pleasures of thrill seeking behaviour. Some serious talks, but also very entertaining performances and even a live fairground ride in the garden! The coming weeks will feature two more of these… Continue reading Thrill Laboratory

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Food for Thought

InnovationRCA has just published an interesting book by Toke Barter and R√© Dubhthaigh from Radarstation. This book, ‘Food for Thought: A service based approach to embedding innovation‘, addresses innovation processes in corporate organisations.¬†Given the current importance of design-led innovation, the authors have explored the ways that design can play a role in everyday innovation processes.… Continue reading Food for Thought

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Ethnography in industry

In collaboration with the People and Practices Group from Intel, STBY organised and moderated a workshop on the use of ethnographic research practices within companies. A wide range of researchers from large international companies to independent consultants participated in the workshop. (Portland, 2006)

Categorised as Projects

Uncommon Ground

During the Crossmedia Week PICNIC06 in Amsterdam, an interesting workshop on knowledge sharing between academia and industry took place, organised by The Virtual Platform and the Utrecht School of the Arts. The title of the workshop was Uncommon Ground, as a reference to the importance of being open minded and¬† prepared to venture into unknown… Continue reading Uncommon Ground

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Design and Innovation

A seminar on Creativity Technology & Design, organised by the Tanaka Business School of Imperial College during London Design Festival, clearly showed that business strategist are warming up to the fact that design is a integral part of innovation. All three speakers, Nick Leon (Imperial),¬† Jennifer Whyte (Imperial) and Isabel Pollock (Audi Design Foundation) stressed… Continue reading Design and Innovation

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Smart molecules

This is a really smart product! Embedded in the knitwear this cap contains D3O material. It is flexible as long as you move in a ‘normal’ way, but locks together on shock. We have been using caps like this since a few months, both for snowboarding and cycling through London. They are much more comfortable… Continue reading Smart molecules

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