Together with our client Tour de Force, we developed a step-by-step guide for setting up and carrying out successful policies and interventions to stimulate more people to cycle. The guide offers practical guidelines, tips, and examples for inspiration.
Stimulating cycling for sustainable mobility behaviour
The focus in the guide is on changing behaviour towards more cycling (the ‘soft’ component of stimulating people to cycle) and not on improving of cycling infrastructure (the ‘hard’ component of facilitating cyclists). Policies designed to encourage cycling behaviours that last are essential for a healthy mobility system. Structural behavioural change, through encouraging people to cycle, not only helps to sustainably change conscious behaviour (for example: “I’ll cycle because that’s better for my health and the environment”), but also unconscious behaviour driven by habits (for example: “Driving is the easiest, because my car is parked just outside the door”).
What can you expect?
The guide provides information on the elements that are important for preparing and carrying out a project to encourage more cycling, in a step-by-step approach. An overview of these steps is shown below. You can download the guide for more detailed practical support for all the steps, including 7 easy to use tools.
Link to the guideline (Dutch)
Link to the guideline (English)