Catalysts: Thoughts on Design Research for Meaningful Change

Creatives, designers and researchers often find themselves in the role of ‘Catalysts’ in complex change processes. This might be in projects commissioned by clients or partners or in self-initiated projects. Many of us identify ourselves as activists and ambassadors for system change. The articles in this publication are particularly honing in on creative contributions to ‘Meaningful Change’. So not just on any change, as in change-for-change’s-sake, but on meaningful change that makes a real difference to the everyday lives of people, organisations and the planet as a whole. The seven themed sections offer a wide range of observations on the various ways that design and research are contributing to many different meaningful change processes, aiming to inform and inspire research and design activists all over the globe. 

Catalysts: Thoughts on Design Research for Meaningful Change is available to buy here

The seven themed sections offer a wide range of observations on the various ways that design and research are contributing to many different meaningful change processes.
With 29 contributors from 16 different countries around the world.
With this publication, we provide an inside look at how research and design practices are contributing to meaningful and positive change around the world.

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