Innovation Accelerator for teachers

We are proud to announce that the Innovation Accelerator toolkit aimed at teachers in primary, secondary and vocational education has just been launched.

We developed this toolkit for and with Kennisnet, who are a public sector knowledge center offering schools practical support with innovation projects around the application of ICT. This can include a wide range of ICT applications; for instance to improve course materials and programs, or the collaboration between teachers who are working on the same topics, or even more structural changes in the organisation of the school.

Many teachers in schools are already involved in bottom-up innovation. They may come to Kennisnet for support, but more often they just ‘soldier on’ by themselves. These people are the real embedded innovation heroes. They get things done one way or the other, but it can also be a struggle for them as they often do not have the overview to see how their efforts could be more effective by using an approach that builds on previous experience. The new toolkit is there to help them accelerate their innovation activities.

The toolkit is freely available to download from the Kennisnet website. It has been developed in close collaboration with teachers from various schools. They have tested our prototypes and provided us with valuable feedback. Based on their comments the final toolkit is highly visual and compact. You don’t need much time to find and apply a tool that can help you to give your project just the push it needs.

Download the tool (in Dutch) here.

The visual design for the toolkit was done by More Than Life, who do all the publications for Kennisnet. Together we worked our way through several iterations of the toolkit. A very smooth collaboration.