Service Design Work Out #1

On 10th October Service Design Network Netherlands launches a new format: Service Design Work Out. This is a session where up to 25 participants from the Service Design community get together to discuss their views on a case study from a specific sector. In this first session the focus is on Real Estate.

Our special guest is Myron Freeling, who has a lot of experience as concept developer for city planning, redevelopment of real estate and public space. He will give a brief introduction and point out some issues and challenges in the field. All participants who signed up for the session have suggested their own questions or vision on the topic. During the session we will jointly explore the most salient aspects.

More information on Service Design Work Out #1 can be found on the website of Service Design Network Netherlands

The session will be held in Utrecht, and starts at 18:30.

As the number of places is limited, you need to sign up by email first!