Together with designers of T-Mobile who are working on the development of future mobile internet services, we organised an intensive day of concept testing with a mixed group of participants. For this occassion our London office was transformed in a ‘user lab’. In two intensive interactive sessions with both users and non-users of mobile internet, we first discussed a series of scenarios for potential future services and then sent them outside to do some individual experience-based exercises.
During the exercises each participant was accompanied by a member of the design research team. In the group discussions afterwards, both the experiences of the participants and the observations by the design researchers were used as input.
The following day we completed the analysis of the results in close collaboration with the design team of T-Mobile. The results of the concept test are used to further improve the concepts so they optimally respond to the perspectives and practices of the (future) users. The results also generated insights on the relations between the individual concepts, and the main underlying motivations and concerns people express in relation their imagined use of mobile internet services.