Elsevier Open Innovation

For the international academic publisher Elsevier we conducted a lead user research and organised a series of innovation workshops. The lead user research in both the UK and The Netherlands generated insights into unmet needs and potential areas for service innovation. These insights were further explored in co-creative workshops, and modelled into early prototypes for potential new services. During both the research and the workshops we facilitated conversations between the lead users and the members of the inter-disciplinary client team. The combination of lead user resarch and co-creation workshops is part of the Open Innovation approach that we offer to our clients under the label of The Innovation Partners. This is a partnership with Radarstation and EDG. (UK-NL, 2008)

A more detailed case-study of this project is available for download here. If you’re interested in learning more about STBY’s work in the publishing sector meanwhile, drop Michiel a line at michiel@stby.eu.